uPVC Flush Casement Windows Leeds

Why Choose Our uPVC French Casement Windows?

Our French Casement Windows are a great way to add a touch of continental, European charm to your Leeds-based home. They have been designed to replicate the vintage look of traditional, elegant windows. We use a reinforced profile in all of our French Casement Windows, including recycled thermal inserts to further enhance the efficiency of your double glazing.

You can control the ventilation into your home with French Casement Windows. You can choose to have your windows wide open which creates an excellent level of fresh air to flood your home. You can also have them open and secured, being locked ajar so at night you can still have some fresh air come into your room.

Our French Casement Windows are an excellent way to reduce your energy bills too! Their thermally efficient design means, even in the coldest winter months your home will remain warm, keeping the warm air in and the cold air out!

uPVC French Casement Windows Leeds

Bespoke uPVC French Casement Windows

Our French Casement Windows can be made bespoke to you and your home in Leeds. You can choose from 15 colours, and dual colours are available too! This means your French Casement Windows can match the internal design and external aesthetics of your home perfectly.

You can also choose from a range of handle options too, complementing the colour of your French Casement Windows. All of our handles come with secure key locking, and a push to release the locking mechanism. Not only will your windows look stunning but they help to keep unwanted intruders at bay!

To further enhance the choices surrounding your French Casement Window design, you can choose from two profile options too. You can choose between a Chamfered and Sculptured profile. The Scultuped profile offers a more traditional finish replicating the curves found on a traditional timber window. Compared to the Chamerferd frame which has more detailing features, contemporary aesthetics and straight sightlines. Select your ideal French Casement Windows with Select Products today!

French Casement Window Prices Horsforth

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